On behalf of the XclusiveGh management crew and valid confirmation from 233 Connect, we wish to notify the general public, fans of XclusiveGh and 233 Connect, and peeps out there that, the event which is happening on the 17th of March at the Dome, which been hosted by Eddie Blay Jnr and features artiste like Ice Prince, Sarkodie, 4x4 and other are all
FALSE meaning this event is not the handwork of the management of 233 Connect and there the publicity of this event must be stopped at once.....A talk with 233 Connect management, their Publicis, Obed stated that this event is not happening for real and therefore fake peeps are making this up just in the name of 233 Connect.Therefore such action are warned and must be stopped at once and also peeps behind this fake event fryer are warned. They might have got away with this, this time and they may not have it cool some other time...
This Event is FAKE, NOT a 233 Connect Event..BEWARE!!! |
We therefore express our apologies for this inconvenience.For any info: contact XGh crew: + 233240611803/+233542848824.. thanks
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